
Roast level : 4

Intensity : 5

Acidity : 4

Country : Ethiopia

Domaine / Région : Sidamo

Altitude : 1,500 – 2,200

Variété : JARC varieties , Local Landraces

Treatment method : Natural

Notes de dégustation : baies, chocolat, caramel

100% arabica coffee




Découvrez la riche combinaison de baies sucrées, de chocolat décadent et de notes de caramel indulgentes avec notre café éthiopien Sidamo.
Experience the rich combination of berry sweetness, decadent chocolate, and indulgent caramel undertones with our Ethiopian Sidamo coffee. Whether you prefer a classic drip coffee, a rich espresso shot, or a smooth pour-over, this Ethiopian is perfectly suited for any method of preparation. Its versatile profile ensures that you'll enjoy a consistently exceptional cup of coffee, every time.


Additional information


100g (3,30€), 200g (6,60€), 300g (9,90€), 350g (11,55€), 400g (13,20€), 500g (16,50€), 600g (19,80€), 700g (23,10€), 750g (24,75€)

Grind type

En grain, Espresso, Cafetière italien, Filtre Papier, Cafetière piston

Type de pot

J'en ai déjà un, Achter un petit +€5,50, Achter un grand +€6,95

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